unsent letters to you

"And then I go and spoil it all,"

FEB/07/24, 2:34PM

Rain reminds me of you,

Not only for your name, for the rain means many things.

You are the clouds that slowly fill the skies,

You are the gust of winds and droplets that warns of a storm at bay,

You are the crackling of thunder and lightning,

You are a the calm, mystical showers with cold breeze,

You are the clouds that part for the sun to peep,

The tears of foliage,

And you create soft, whispering winds,

And the light of the sun shines from your tears,

A rainbow, bright, and beams at the distance.

FEB/07/24, 7:50PM

I don't quite understand you,

Out of all the flowers in the field, why me?

I am withered, I am torn, and I am wilted.

A color of deep ocean blue,

How could someone like you, throw yourself into that abyss?

Though, you never fail to surprise me,

And I would not change a thing about you and me.

Although I still think you are a fool,

Maybe this abyss will hold something new.

FEB/08/24, 1:50PM

The simple words of "I miss you" simply hold back so much of what I want to say. I miss you, in a way I feel homesick. I know it may seem stupid, and that feelings like these will eventually pass once we reach a certain stage, but truly, I miss you in a way I can't explain it only with three words. It's as if I'm a dog waiting for it's owner to come back. And yet, I know you're coming back, and my heart aches from the love I need to give. My heart, it's far bigger than I want it to be. It is open. I wear my heart on my sleeve, but regardless I cup my heart with the palm of my hand. I do not feel that way when I'm around you. I truly don't understand how you make me feel this way... Aughhhh

FEB/09/24, 1:50AM

The more I write about you, the more filled the pages of my notebook becomes. Flowers, clouds, rain clouds, red glasses. They are silly doodles that infect the pages of my sketchbook. And I sit back and think; Every word and every single letter I write to you I wish I could immortalize forever. I want to be able to write to you without my cowardice, because truly that's what I am. I am a coward in love. I love you.

FEB/10/24, 12:20AM

I am a mess, yet I don't mind being a mess for you

A messy mess, but instead of hate, it's love

It's stickiness shape me into a saccharine ball

And I wonder if someday,

You can see the ball I've become

And I wonder if you can love the sickening sweetness of it, too

FEB/10/24, 1:32AM

My thoughts are so , so messy . I feel so vulnerable in a way that I just can't . muster up any energy to hide how I feel. I'm glad that I'm off the phone, so I don't embarrass myself in front of you. The love I feel is immeasurable, and it's almost embarrassing to admit . But who am I to say that when I'm dating the greatest man of my life?

APR/07/24, 1:32AM

It's been such a long time since I updated this site WAHAHHA ... To the ones viewing this I pretty much I love you so much my darling this past few months have been nothing but special to me . I hope you read back on this and see just how much I truly love you, my storm ..

"By saying something stupid, like:"