unsent letters to you

"Endless Loveeeee"

Hey! If you're reading this, you've mostly stopped by and viewed my page, or you're my partner I love so much ... I guess I'll introduce myself a bit? My name is Adam! I'm a happily taken gay man who has an undying love for science and all-things-knowledge ... I am also a writer. This website is for me to jot down my silly poems and letters for the one I love. Most of these were adapted from my school notebook, typed to here.

For you, Rain, my storm.

This website was (originally) made/coded on February 08, 2024 and will probably be updated with more sections as time goes on. All of these are dedicated to you, and to you only. This is my valentines gift to you, and I hope one day we can look back and read these together. And we'll laugh at all the corny things I wrote for you. Happy Valentines Day, my mist ♡